Getting Started


Projects let you organize your different OTA setup. Each project can have multiple hardware and firmware.


Hardware is your PCB. You should create one per revision of your board so you can differentiate if needed between versions. For each hardware you have a UniqueID which is used by the device to indicated which PCB revision it is.

You also have the option to set “Auto Approve Device” which will allow any device requesting firmware to download without any additional authentication. A device requesting firmware does need to know the hardware UniqueID.

If you are using PlatformIO you should have a seperate section in your platform.ini for each PCB revision (if required).


Firmware can be uploaded via API or directly via PlatformIO. You can only upload versions that don’t exist already.

Once uploaded you can set the Release Status to either Pre-Release or Production. Newly uploaded firmware is marked as New - Unreleased.


Devices configured for otabin will show up under devices if they have the correct Unique hardware ID. Depending on the hardware setting they will be marked Upload Enabled and can download the latest version that is available for that hardware. If available (depends on plan) you can select if Pre-Release or Production is served to the device.

API Keys

In order to upload via platformIO or use the API you need to generate an API key. Each project needs its own API key